Lavonia City Park12221 Augusta RoadLavonia GA 30635
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Hosted by the Lavonia Main Street, Chick-Fil-A, Church of God and Police Department, join us for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Lavonia City Park!
- 2pm: Event Opens and Activities Begin
- 2:15pm: Welcome & Announcements
- 2:30pm: The Great Easter Egg Hunt
- 2:45pm: Games & Easter Bunny Photos
- 3:45pm: Raffle Prize Announcements
The Great Easter Egg Hunt
- Age Specific Zones
- 0-3 years
- 4-7 years
- 8-12 years
Golden Eggs: Baskets full of surprises!
Other fun activities and attractions:
- Chick-Fil-A Fun Zone
- Meet a baby Chick-Fil-A cow
- Face Painting
- Balloon Animals
- Lavonia CoG Corner
- Easter Storytime
- Lavonia Police Safety Station
- Meet officers
- Explore a police car
- Take the Safety Bunny Challenge for prizes
- Easter Bunny Photo Booth
- Music and Games with Mr. Tanner
- FREE Raffle Prizes
- Chick-Fil-A gift baskets & meal cards
- Childrens' Bible & Easter gift set
- "Junior Police Officer for the Day" experience